
The truth is out there

Blockchain is a complex and often misunderstood technology.  When we first started working together, the technical talk was around distributed ledgers, decentralised databases and The Byzantine Generals problem (look it up!).

Meanwhile, the already crowded market associated Blockchain with crypto-currency and Bitcoin.

The real benefit of Blockchains, as used by this start-up, was trusted data.

So we needed a brand that would showcase the real benefits of this technology and, therefore, its applications to real-world problems.

Gospel was both descriptive and memorable and got these entrepreneurs noticed by investors and analysts alike.

"Rob joined us from the very beginning and drilled the concept right down to what this brand was about - and that turned out to be the truth. Trusted data became our byword and he cleverly introduced the popular slang term "Gospel" that became both memorable and a talking point"

Ian Smith, CEO Gospel Technology